

10/17/2023 @ 6:30 pm




Christian County Board Room

 Second Floor, Christian County Courthouse

Taylorville, Illinois

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

 6:30 p.m.


  1. Call to order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Invocation
  4. Roll Call
  5. Approve amended minutes from the regular County Board meeting of September 19, 2023 as printed with any corrections or amendments to them.
  6. Presentation of Donation
  7. Public Comments
  8. Appointments
    • County Board – District 1
    • County Board – District 3
    • Christian County Public Health Board
    • Anderson Cemetery Board
  9. Present in writing petitions, resolutions/or ordinances, proclamations to be addressed in committees:
    • O2023 ZB 036 from ZBA
    • Rescind ARPA Ordinance O2023 CB 001
    • Amend ARPA Ordinance O2022 CB 036
    • Amend ARPA Ordinance O2022 CB 005
    • Amend ARPA Ordinance O2023 CB 002
    • Amend ARPA Ordinance O2023 CB 024
  10. Reading of Communications:
  11. Agenda Items:


Highway/Building/Grounds/Environmental/ Zoning/ Welfare—10/12/2023

  1. Request to Use Court House Lawn Halloween Parade
  2. Zoning Business
    1. Director’s Report
  3. Solid Waste Business
    1. Director’s Report
    2. Further review of Solid Waste presentation for better understanding
    3. BLH Service Contract
  4. Highway Business
    1. Local Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Funding
    2. Updates
  5. Animal Control
    1. Director’s Report
  6. Courthouse and Building Business
    1. Policy Reference Public Access to County Vaults
    2. HVAC and Window Project Update
    3. Jail Update
    4. Boiler Update
    5. New Health Department Building and Expenditure Worksheet
  7. Proposed Amendment to Zoning Code – Section F. Danger to Public Health and Welfare of Property Damage.
  8. Any other matters that properly come before this committee for future consideration.



  1. EMA Update
    1. Director’s Report
    2. Authorization for the CB Chairman to sign a Federal Surplus Agreement
  2. Ordinance Amendments – Animal Control
  3. Non-Bargaining Ordinance
  4. Proposed Amendment to Zoning Code – Section F. Danger to Public Health and Welfare of Property Damage.
  5. Text Amendment Proposal(s)
  6. Referral(s) to ZBA
  7. Referrals from other committees
  8. Any other matters or referrals that properly come before the committee for future consideration.


Audit/Finance/Purchasing/Budget – 10/11/2023

  1. Approve claims as presented for October 2023
  2. CTI Contract Presentation
  3. Staffing Grant
  4. Budget Hearings
  5. Referrals from other committees
  6. Any other matters that are properly brought before this committee for future consideration.


Secondary Committee Reports


  2. Economic Development – Enterprise Zone
  3. Any other matters or updates that are properly brought before the Board for future consideration.
  4. Mileage and Per Diem Report
  5. Adjourn meeting until Tuesday, November 21, 2023

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