Christian County Board Room
Second Floor, Christian County Courthouse
Taylorville, Illinois
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
6:30 p.m.
- Call to order
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll Call
- Approve minutes from the regular County Board meeting of May 17, 2022 as printed with any corrections or amendments to them.
- Approve minutes from the special County Board meeting of June 7, 2022 as printed with any corrections or amendments to them.
- Letter of Engagement Rammelkamp Bradney, P.C.
- Public Comments
- Recognition
- Dani Knecht who recently completed 20 years of service with the County
- Present in writing petitions, resolutions/or ordinances, proclamations to be addressed in committees
- Christian County Zoning Ordinance O2022ZB023
- Christian County Zoning Ordinance O2022ZB024
- Christian County Zoning Ordinance O2022ZB025
- Reading of Communications:
- Agenda Items:
Highway/Building/Grounds/Environmental/ Zoning/ Welfare—06/14/2022
- County Lot – Moweaqua
- Court House Lawn Request – July 4th Parade
- Animal Control split from Solid Waste and Zoning – Budgets
- Zoning Business
- Christian County Zoning Code 1-10-1 Zoning Administrator
- Office Location
- Solid Waste Business
- Delegation Agreement with IEPA
- Highway Business
- Project Updates
- Animal Control
- State Statute Animal Control Act – 510 ILCS 5
- Draft County Municipal Agreement for Animal Control
- Court house and building business
- Tree Removal
- Any other matters that properly come before this committee.
- EMA Update
- Low Income Housing Ordinance O2022CB026
- County Board Rules – Legislative I, J and K
- ARPA Fund Request/Ordinances
- Annual Cybersecurity Maintenance Costs
- Sheriff’s Office
- EMA Request
- ZBA Recommendation(s) Meteorological Tower Text Amendment – Fees
- Office Staff – Supervisor of Assessment
- Additional Jailer
- Animal Control Department Head – CB Rules Personnel D
- Animal Control Staff
- Job Description
- Educator – Solid Waste Management
- Personnel Handbook
- UCCI July Conference
- Personnel issues and/or personnel/other county policies/procedures, personnel or labor updates or any other matters or referrals that properly come before the committee.
Audit/Finance/Purchasing/Budget – 06/15/2022
- Approve claims as presented for June 2022
- Survey Records
- Flexible Spending – Dependent Care
- Budget Hearing Schedule
- ARPA Funds
- Referrals from other committees
- Any other matters that are properly brought before this committee
- 911 Director Agreement
- Broadband Shelby Electric
- ACT Internet
- COLA Increase – States Attorney, Public Defender effective 7/1/2022
- Hiring Procedure
- Noise Ordinance
- Closed Session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1) to discuss appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity and all subject matters relating thereto.
- Personnel Review
- Appointments
- Term Period for recent ZBA appointment – Gary Merker 5 year term
- ZBA Appointment 5 year term
- Health Board
- Mileage and Per Diem Report
- Adjourn meeting until Tuesday, July 19, 2022