
Executive/Personnel/Legislative Committee

06/08/2020 @ 6:30 pm

The Executive/Personnel Committee meeting will be held on


Monday, June 8, 2020

at 6:30 pm

in the County Board Meeting Room, second floor of the

Christian County Courthouse, Taylorville, Illinois.

In accordance with EXECUTIVE ORDER 2020-07 issued by Governor Pritzker, this meeting will be conducted via remote participation.


Dial-in number (US): (701) 802-5367

Access code: 7943957#
                 Join the online meeting:


            [For additional assistance connecting to the meeting text, ‘Call Me’ to the

         Dial-In number above and you will be called into the conference] This is a new system and all of our meetings will have the same dial in and access code.


The purpose of this meeting is for discussions and/or motions to approve/adopt and /or deny and/or table and/or amend and/or refer to an appropriate Committee in whole or in part the following:

  1. Establish committee monthly meeting day.
  2. Adopt resolution regarding a non-binding public question on the November 3, ballot regarding the possibility of the formation of a new state.
  3. Discuss the different cannabis business establishments: to refer and proceed with zoning or to deny any such establishments.
  4. Personnel issues and/or personnel/other county policies/procedures, personnel or labor updates or any other matters or referrals that properly come before the committee and/or questions from the public and/or executive session for any personnel issue.

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