Christian County Courthouse
Taylorville, Illinois
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
12:00 pm
In accordance with EXECUTIVE ORDER 2020-07 issued by Governor Pritzker, this meeting will be conducted via remote participation ONLY.
To join the meeting, dial 1- 408-418-9388
The meeting number requested is 628-131-667#
Password is 0421#
- Call to order promptly at 12:00 noon
- Roll Call
- Approve minutes from the regular County Board meeting of the February 18, 2020 and Special Meeting of March 27, 2020 as printed with any corrections or amendments to them. [emailed]
- Present in writing petitions, resolutions/or ordinances, proclamations: none
- Public comments.
- Reading of Communications:
- Committee Reports:
Executive Personnel Committee March 12, 2020
Motion to approve Liquor License renewals– A list of ten liquor license holders was submitted for renewal. A motion was made by Ray Koonce and seconded by Matt Wells to renew all presented. The motion carried.
Building/Grounds/Environmental Committee March 10, 2020
Marcia Neal, Director of Downtown Taylorville presented a list of events from April through October which includes the Farmers Market every weekend. A MOTION was made by Phil Schneider and seconded by Dale Livingston to approve the list of events on the Courthouse grounds. The motion carried.
ANIMAL CONTROL. Due to the new law that adopted animals must be micro chipped, Vince Harris has proposed a small increase in the adoption fees to help cover the chipping. Current adoption fees are for cats $15 and for dogs $100. The proposed rates for cats are $40 and for dogs are $125. Mr. Harris noted that the numbers of animals adopted out have been high and therefore the costs to the vets are high. The total fees include spay or neuter, shots and chips. Although the committee hesitated to approve in the increase, the expenses have increased to warrant the adoption fee increase. A MOTION was made by Dale Livingston and seconded by Linda Curtin to adopt the new fees. The motion carried.
- Cliff Frye noted with budgeted money, he will need to purchase a second rotary disk mower and has received to quotes: $13,900 from Sloan and $12,900 from Ramsey.
- The highway department has cub cadet mower 10-15 years old and a homemade 16’ trailer that he would like permission to sell at auction. A motion was made by Dale Livingston and seconded by Linda Curtin to approve selling the old equipment. The motion carried.
- Motion by Phil Schneider and seconded by Dale Livingston to approve purchase of mini excavator up to $110,000. The motion carried.
It was discussed to set a regular day of the month for this committee to meet if a meeting was called. A MOTION was made by Phil Schneider and seconded by Dale Livingston to set the second Tuesday of the month as the date for Highway/Building/Environmental/Zoning Committee meetings when scheduled. The motion carried.
- Christian/Montgomery EMA update—Greg Nimmo.
- MOTION to extend the Emergency Declaration Proclamation dated March 27, 2020.
- MOTIONS for finance issues
- To approve claims for April 2020. [emailed]
- MOTION to authorize payment of Courthouse ceiling repairs from the Capital Improvement Fund. The west side of the clock tower still needs repair and Charles Sampson will do all for about $5,000. A motion was made by Phil Schneider and seconded by Dale Livingston to approve up to $5,000 for the repair of clock faces. The motion carried. Approval will be referred to Finance Committee.
- A MOTION was made by Phil Schneider and seconded by Linda Curtin for Charles Samson to install chicken wire in ceiling on third floor to catch further falling ceiling not to exceed $1300. The motion carried. Approval will be referred to Finance Committee.
- MOTION to adopt resolution R2020TR001 to accept bid of $828.00 for parcel 11-25-22-305-007-00 in Pana Township for a deed of conveyance.
- MOTION to adopt ordinance to extend deadline for filing applications for the Senior Citizen Assessment Freeze Homestead Exemption.
- MOTION Discuss/approve quotes for sanitation of the courthouse.
- MOTION Discuss/approve Emergency Paid Sick Leave Policy and Expanded Family and Medical Leave within the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.
*Taylorville Fire Protection District for a 3-year term: Dave Wagner
*Central Illinois Economic Development Authority to reappointment Jim Hahn to the Board of Directors for the Central Illinois Economic Development Authority (CIEDA) for a 6-year term—2026.
- ADJOURN meeting until Tuesday, May 19, 2020 for the regular meeting.
AG Guidance on OMA:
For a public body that determines it must hold a meeting during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Executive Order 2020-07 suspends the in-person attendance requirement for members of the public body and allows for remote participation. If a meeting is necessary, public bodies are encouraged to provide video, audio, and/or telephonic access to maintain openness and transparency to members of the public. Public bodies determining whether to hold meetings at this time should exercise good judgment and discretion and utilize the availability of remote participation to help curb the spread of COVID-19.