Tuesday, November 19, 2019– 6:30 p.m.
- Call to order
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Invocation
- Roll Call
- Approve minutes from the regular County Board meeting of the October 15, 2019 as printed with any corrections or amendments to them.
- Present in writing petitions, resolutions/or ordinances, proclamations: Rescind and adopt revised ordinance enacting a policy statement expressing a commitment to encourage the development of business entities and the hiring of individuals defined as minorities, women and persons with disabilities within the Taylorville-Christian County Enterprise Zone.
- Public comments.
- Reading of Communications:
- Committee Reports:
Highway/Building/Grounds/Environmental/ Zoning/ Welfare—no meeting
- Discuss option to participate in opioid class action litigation.
- Discuss Christian/Montgomery EMA Consolidation Proposal.
- Intergovernmental Agreement between Christian and Montgomery Counties for Consolidated Emergency Management Agency (EMA) Services.
- Approve County Board meeting schedule for FY 2020.
- Approve Resolution 2019 SA 023 annual State’s Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor participation.
- Update on Maintenance Coordinator position.
- Personnel issues and/or personnel/other county policies/procedures, personnel or labor updates or any other matters or referrals that properly come before the committee and/or questions from the public and/or executive session for any personnel issue.Audit/Finance/Purchasing/Budget—11/12/2019
- Authorize Finance Chair and Board Chair to review and approve the regular November claims as presented and approve November claims.
- Approve Christian/Montgomery EMA Consolidation Proposal: including the appointment/hire of Greg Ninmo and to waive the residency requirement.
- Approve the Intergovernmental Agreement between Christian and Montgomery Counties for Consolidated Emergency Management Agency (EMA) Services.
- Update on maintenance vehicle replacement and approve temp service staff expenditures to be paid from contingency.
- Adopt R2019 TR022 to cancel tax sale certificate 201400153 in Pana Township.
- Discuss payment of IMRF reserve account deficiency. Approve an additional onetime payment in FY2019 towards SLEP/ECO pension obligation.
- Approve FY 2020 budget.
- Adopt Christian County tax levy ordinance.
- Referrals from any other committee, any other matters that are properly brought before the Committee and/or questions from the public.
- Mileage and Per Diem Report:
- Appointments: Appoint and confirm Zoning Board Appeals members.
- Steve Sikes—reappoint 2019-2024 and Chairman
- Joe Dorr –thru 2021
- Mark Dozier—thru 2020
- Joann Howard—reappoint 2019-2024
- Jon Rosenthal—reappoint 2019-2024
- Glen Goodrich—2019-2024
- David Copenbarger—2019-2024
- Adjourn meeting until Tuesday, December 17, 2019 for the regular meeting.