
Committee of the Whole-

05/29/2019 @ 6:00 pm

Christian County Board
P.O. Box 647
Taylorville, Illinois 62568


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Members of the Christian County Board

Molly Alaria                                        Dale Livingston

Timothy Carlson                                 Chad Michel

Craig Corzine                                      Mike McClure

Linda Curtin                                        Vicki McMahon

Charles DeClerck                                Venise McWard

Becky Edwards                                  Matt Wells

Ray Koonce                                        Clark Pearce

Donna Hibbetts                                   Phil Schneider


A Committee Meeting of the Whole of the Christian County Board will be held

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

At 6:00 pm

in Courtroom A, on the third floor

of the Christian County Courthouse, Taylorville, Illinois.


  1. Call to order by the County Board Chairman
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Roll Call
  4. Committee of the Whole Meeting Purpose: Informational forum relative to Wind Energy Conversion Systems in Christian County.
  • Companies: Invenergy Inc.-Rose City Wind—John Callaway and Trade Wind Energy-Rolling Farms—Jeff Hammond
    • Companies will be given 30 minutes for their presentation. If there is a question of clarification from a Board member, another three (3) minutes may be given to respond
  • Public Comments: A person wishing to speak will be required to state their name and their topic.
    • Each person will be given a maximum of five (5) minutes to speak. If there is a question of clarification from a Board member, another three (3) minutes may be given to respond.  Additional time may be allowed as determined by the Board Chairman.
    • No one will be denied speaking once during the appropriate timeframe.

Provisions of response by the County Board members:

  • Board members shall listen to the public comment during the meeting.
  • Board members may ask a question to clarify any statement/statements or to clarify an issue.


  1. Adjournment.

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