
Highway/Building/Environmental Committee Meeting

01/08/2019 @ 6:30 pm

The Highway/Building Committee meeting will be held on

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

 at 6:30 p.m

at the Christian County Courthouse

101 S. Main Street, Taylorville, Illinois


The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the following issues concerning building, grounds, environmental, zoning, welfare and/or county highway business and /or financial matters:

  1. Animal Control/Zoning updates:
  2. Building updates:
  • Northside of Courthouse – joist holding the ceiling
  • Southside Courthouse entry
  • Second floor plumbing repair
  • Outside lighting project
  1. Highway Projects and Business: Culvert Quotes
  1. Reappointment of County Engineer
  2. Annual MFT County Engineer Salary Resolution for Calendar Year 2019
  3. Updates
  4. Any other matters that properly come before the committee and/or comments or questions from the public.

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