Tuesday, November 20, 2018
6:30 p.m.
- Call to order
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Invocation
- Roll Call
- Approve minutes from the regular County Board meeting of October 16, 2018 as printed with any corrections or amendments to them.
- Present in writing petitions, resolutions/or ordinances, proclamations:
- Public comments
- Committee reports—items to be addressedCOMMITTEE REPORTS
- Highway/Building/Grounds/Environmental/ Zoning/ Welfare—11/13/2018
- Animal Control/Zoning updates:
- Building updates:
- Masonry repairs to courthouse
- Electric upgrades for cost saving measures
- Highway Projects and Business:
- Culvert Quotes
- Request for Home Town Hero signs, County Highway #10, Morrisonville
- Used Equipment Bids – 1974 Asphalt Distributor
- Engineering Agreements- South Fork #26;
- NBIS QA Audit
- Resolution Requesting Consent of the Department of Transportation to the Reappointment of the Incumbent as County Engineer
- Request to Purchase Service Truck
- Project Updates
- Any other matters that properly come before the committee and/or comments or questions from the public.
- Executive/Personnel/Liquor/Legislative—No meeting
- Audit/Finance/Purchasing—11/15/2018
- Approve claims.
- *Approve second set of November claims to be approved by Board Chairman.
- *Review Zoning and Animal Control budgets after consolidation of departments.
- *Recommend the FY 2019 Proposed Budget for adoption.
- *Request payment from contingency for IDES reporting.
- *Referrals from any other committee, any other matters that are properly brought before the Committee and/or questions from the public.
- *As referred, approve payment for various repairs to clock tower.
- *Recommend to adopt the Christian County Tax Levy Ordinance.
- *Authorize November claims/payroll overage from contingency if necessary.
- *Discuss Regional Development Organization participation for economic development.
- Mileage and Per Diem Report:
- Appointments:
- Recognize retiring County Board members.
- Adjourn meeting until Monday, December 3, 2018 for the Re-organizational Meeting and Tuesday, December 18, 2018 for the regular meeting.